Our Petsitters
YpsiArborPetsitters.com is a tiny little business that gives very personalized attention to each Client and every critter we care for. We like it that way.
From the initial “meet & greet” in which we get to know you and your pets’ needs to making the actual pet visits, you will work with a bonded and insured sitter, often Carolyn, the owner of YAP.
Carolyn is Red Cross certified in Pet First Aid & CPR. She has been background checked and cleared by care.com and sittercity.com.
All sitters are bonded and insured.
Every effort is made to assign one pet sitter to each Client’s household. If your regular sitter is ill, has an emergency, is on vacation, or no longer with the company, then a back-up sitter will be sent to your home. The back-up sitter will be in touch, if possible, with your regular sitter and have access to your Client Checklist and information.
Back-up sitters also may be used for exceptionally busy periods such as the holidays. Because of this designed-in redundancy, YpsiArborPetsitters.com is dependable and scalable with “belt and suspenders” planning.